Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Multi Tab Shopping Cart By Using PHP Ajax Jquery Bootstrap Mysql

If you are looking for PHP Ajax Jquery Shopping Cart with Bootstrap, So in this post we have discuss how make Multi Tab Shopping Cart By using PHP with Ajax Jquery. In previous one of my post on shopping cart we have make simple shopping by using session and second in second post we have develop shopping cart by drag and drop event but in this tutorial we will build multi tab shopping cart by using php script with mysql database and in this video we will use ajax method with jquery so we will add product into cart without page refresh event. For making multi tab we will use Bootstrap framework for this. This way we will developed shopping cart with multi tab by using Bootstrap with Ajax Jquery php and mysql, in one tab we will add product into cart and in second tab we will display order table with product. In this shopping cart we have first make tab for display list of product in one tab and shopping cart details in second tab. For making tab we have use bootstrap framework. After making tab we have load product details from database under product. With product we have also add on add to cart button, for add product into cart we have use jquery with ajax method, by using ajax request we can add product into cart without page refresh and product has been added into cart. For check shopping cart we have click on cart tab and under this tab we can see product details which we have added into cart in table format. We can also remove product from cart also, for removing product from cart also we have use jquery with ajax method, so we can remove product from cart without refresh. In this shopping cart we have create one session variable and we have store all details in that session variable, so we have store all product data on web page when we have put order then after that data will added into the cart.

Source Code


 $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test");  
 <!DOCTYPE html>  
           <title>Webslesson Tutorial | Multi Tab Shopping Cart By Using PHP Ajax Jquery Bootstrap Mysql</title>  
           <script src=""></script>  
           <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />  
           <script src=""></script>  
           <br />  
           <div class="container" style="width:800px;">  
                <h3 align="center">Multi Tab Shopping Cart By Using PHP Ajax Jquery Bootstrap Mysql</h3><br />  
                <ul class="nav nav-tabs">  
                     <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#products">Product</a></li>  
                     <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#cart">Cart <span class="badge"><?php if(isset($_SESSION["shopping_cart"])) { echo count($_SESSION["shopping_cart"]); } else { echo '0';}?></span></a></li>  
                <div class="tab-content">  
                     <div id="products" class="tab-pane fade in active">  
                     $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_product ORDER BY id ASC";  
                     $result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);  
                     while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))  
                     <div class="col-md-4" style="margin-top:12px;">  
                          <div style="border:1px solid #333; background-color:#f1f1f1; border-radius:5px; padding:16px; height:350px;" align="center">  
                               <img src="images/<?php echo $row["image"]; ?>" class="img-responsive" /><br />  
                               <h4 class="text-info"><?php echo $row["name"]; ?></h4>  
                               <h4 class="text-danger">$ <?php echo $row["price"]; ?></h4>  
                               <input type="text" name="quantity" id="quantity<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>" class="form-control" value="1" />  
                               <input type="hidden" name="hidden_name" id="name<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>" value="<?php echo $row["name"]; ?>" />  
                               <input type="hidden" name="hidden_price" id="price<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>" value="<?php echo $row["price"]; ?>" />  
                               <input type="button" name="add_to_cart" id="<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>" style="margin-top:5px;" class="btn btn-warning form-control add_to_cart" value="Add to Cart" />  
                     </div>  <div id="cart" class="tab-pane fade">  
                          <div class="table-responsive" id="order_table">  
                               <table class="table table-bordered">  
                                         <th width="40%">Product Name</th>  
                                         <th width="10%">Quantity</th>  
                                         <th width="20%">Price</th>  
                                         <th width="15%">Total</th>  
                                         <th width="5%">Action</th>  
                                         $total = 0;  
                                         foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                                         <td><?php echo $values["product_name"]; ?></td>  
                                         <td><input type="text" name="quantity[]" id="quantity<?php echo $values["product_id"]; ?>" value="<?php echo $values["product_quantity"]; ?>" data-product_id="<?php echo $values["product_id"]; ?>" class="form-control quantity" /></td>  
                                         <td align="right">$ <?php echo $values["product_price"]; ?></td>  
                                         <td align="right">$ <?php echo number_format($values["product_quantity"] * $values["product_price"], 2); ?></td>  
                                         <td><button name="delete" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs delete" id="<?php echo $values["product_id"]; ?>">Remove</button></td>  
                                              $total = $total + ($values["product_quantity"] * $values["product_price"]);  
                                         <td colspan="3" align="right">Total</td>  
                                         <td align="right">$ <?php echo number_format($total, 2); ?></td>  
                                         <td colspan="5" align="center">  
                                              <form method="post" action="cart.php">  
                                                   <input type="submit" name="place_order" class="btn btn-warning" value="Place Order" />  
           var product_id = $(this).attr("id");  
           var product_name = $('#name'+product_id).val();  
           var product_price = $('#price'+product_id).val();  
           var product_quantity = $('#quantity'+product_id).val();  
           var action = "add";  
           if(product_quantity > 0)  
                          alert("Product has been Added into Cart");  
                alert("Please Enter Number of Quantity")  
      $(document).on('click', '.delete', function(){  
           var product_id = $(this).attr("id");  
           var action = "remove";  
           if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this product?"))  
                     data:{product_id:product_id, action:action},  
                return false;  
      $(document).on('keyup', '.quantity', function(){  
           var product_id = $(this).data("product_id");  
           var quantity = $(this).val();  
           var action = "quantity_change";  
           if(quantity != '')  
                     url :"action.php",  
                     data:{product_id:product_id, quantity:quantity, action:action},  


 $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test");  
      $order_table = '';  
      $message = '';  
      if($_POST["action"] == "add")  
                $is_available = 0;  
                foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                     if($_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$keys]['product_id'] == $_POST["product_id"])  
                          $_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$keys]['product_quantity'] = $_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$keys]['product_quantity'] + $_POST["product_quantity"];  
                if($is_available < 1)  
                     $item_array = array(  
                          'product_id'               =>     $_POST["product_id"],  
                          'product_name'               =>     $_POST["product_name"],  
                          'product_price'               =>     $_POST["product_price"],  
                          'product_quantity'          =>     $_POST["product_quantity"]  
                     $_SESSION["shopping_cart"][] = $item_array;  
                $item_array = array(  
                     'product_id'               =>     $_POST["product_id"],  
                     'product_name'               =>     $_POST["product_name"],  
                     'product_price'               =>     $_POST["product_price"],  
                     'product_quantity'          =>     $_POST["product_quantity"]  
                $_SESSION["shopping_cart"][] = $item_array;  
      if($_POST["action"] == "remove")  
           foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                if($values["product_id"] == $_POST["product_id"])  
                     $message = '<label class="text-success">Product Removed</label>';  
      if($_POST["action"] == "quantity_change")  
           foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                if($_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$keys]['product_id'] == $_POST["product_id"])  
                     $_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$keys]['product_quantity'] = $_POST["quantity"];  
      $order_table .= '  
           <table class="table table-bordered">  
                     <th width="40%">Product Name</th>  
                     <th width="10%">Quantity</th>  
                     <th width="20%">Price</th>  
                     <th width="15%">Total</th>  
                     <th width="5%">Action</th>  
           $total = 0;  
           foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                $order_table .= '  
                          <td><input type="text" name="quantity[]" id="quantity'.$values["product_id"].'" value="'.$values["product_quantity"].'" class="form-control quantity" data-product_id="'.$values["product_id"].'" /></td>  
                          <td align="right">$ '.$values["product_price"].'</td>  
                          <td align="right">$ '.number_format($values["product_quantity"] * $values["product_price"], 2).'</td>  
                          <td><button name="delete" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs delete" id="'.$values["product_id"].'">Remove</button></td>  
                $total = $total + ($values["product_quantity"] * $values["product_price"]);  
           $order_table .= '  
                     <td colspan="3" align="right">Total</td>  
                     <td align="right">$ '.number_format($total, 2).'</td>  
                     <td colspan="5" align="center">  
                          <form method="post" action="cart.php">  
                               <input type="submit" name="place_order" class="btn btn-warning" value="Place Order" />  
      $order_table .= '</table>';  
      $output = array(  
           'order_table'     =>     $order_table,  
           'cart_item'          =>     count($_SESSION["shopping_cart"])  
      echo json_encode($output);  


 $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "shopping_cart");  
 <!DOCTYPE html>  
           <title>Webslesson Tutorial | Multi Tab Shopping Cart By Using PHP Ajax Jquery Bootstrap Mysql</title>  
           <script src=""></script>  
           <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />  
           <script src=""></script>  
           <br />  
           <div class="container" style="width:800px;">  
                     $insert_order = "  
                     INSERT INTO tbl_order(customer_id, creation_date, order_status)  
                     VALUES('1', '".date('Y-m-d')."', 'pending')  
                     $order_id = "";  
                     if(mysqli_query($connect, $insert_order))  
                          $order_id = mysqli_insert_id($connect);  
                     $_SESSION["order_id"] = $order_id;  
                     $order_details = "";  
                     foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)  
                          $order_details .= "  
                          INSERT INTO tbl_order_details(order_id, product_name, product_price, product_quantity)  
                          VALUES('".$order_id."', '".$values["product_name"]."', '".$values["product_price"]."', '".$values["product_quantity"]."');  
                     if(mysqli_multi_query($connect, $order_details))  
                          echo '<script>alert("You have successfully place an order...Thank you")</script>';  
                          echo '<script>window.location.href="cart.php"</script>';  
                     $customer_details = '';  
                     $order_details = '';  
                     $total = 0;  
                     $query = '  
                     SELECT * FROM tbl_order  
                     INNER JOIN tbl_order_details  
                     ON tbl_order_details.order_id = tbl_order.order_id  
                     INNER JOIN tbl_customer  
                     ON tbl_customer.CustomerID = tbl_order.customer_id  
                     WHERE tbl_order.order_id = "'.$_SESSION["order_id"].'"  
                     $result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);  
                     while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))  
                          $customer_details = '  
                          <p>'.$row["City"].', '.$row["PostalCode"].'</p>  
                          $order_details .= "  
                                    <td>".number_format($row["product_quantity"] * $row["product_price"], 2)."</td>  
                          $total = $total + ($row["product_quantity"] * $row["product_price"]);  
                     echo '  
                     <h3 align="center">Order Summary for Order No.'.$_SESSION["order_id"].'</h3>  
                     <div class="table-responsive">  
                          <table class="table">  
                                    <td><label>Customer Details</label></td>  
                                    <td><label>Order Details</label></td>  
                                         <table class="table table-bordered">  
                                                   <th width="50%">Product Name</th>  
                                                   <th width="15%">Quantity</th>  
                                                   <th width="15%">Price</th>  
                                                   <th width="20%">Total</th>  
                                                   <td colspan="3" align="right"><label>Total</label></td>  
                                                   <td>'.number_format($total, 2).'</td>  


  1. you guy alike all your tutorials thks

  2. how another user want add product into cart ?

  3. can u tell me what is shopping_cart that u hv defined? is it some database or table name?

  4. customal details error pls help me?

  5. customer details error pls help me?

  6. Keep it up. Amazing tutorials.
    How about a tutorial pls pls
    In a bootstrap table in blank row, i select the "item name" from dropdown select list and then the "item code" and "price" for this "Item name" is also populated in different columns of the table in the same row, using perhaps ajax or javascript. I cannot find a nice tutorial like this anywhere. Pls consider

  7. Hi How about adding the sql table details please?

  8. how can i download complete this files
    with mysql

  9. Very awesome tuts, thanks,
    but can i have the sql file for your database, if its okay

  10. this is good but , i am confused because last cart.php page work, when to working customer details ID 1 but when are use 2 No of ID are not working completely , please help .

  11. please sir, send me the structure of database U used for all the above email id is ""

  12. hello sir , need your help please send me the structure of the database U used in above codes...on my email id:-""

  13. Thank you. How can I add a comments section with the order? I tried doing it via POST and PHP by adding a textarea in the form with the place order button, but after submitting the "place_order" button the POST array was still empty and I can't get the textarea's content to be saved... Thanks

  14. hello I liked the tutorial. But how do I send the order data to the db table order_details?
    Why is it that he only does the Insert Into of Order, Prro not of order_details?
    Thanks, I hope you can help!

  15. Bro where is the database file................

  16. Bonjour, c'est excellent il manque le fichier de la base de donnée, et l'article sur récapitulatif de la commande, est ce que vous pouvez m'aider ?

  17. Hello, I used the code it works very well, can you help me continue and place the order, and provide me the code listed administrator, please. Thank you very much.

  18. Hello,this code is very useful to me , so can i use this code in my website ,i hope to get your agreement.

  19. Hello,this code is very useful to me , so can i use this code in my website ,i hope to get your agreement.

  20. Hello,this code is very useful to me , so can i use this code in my website ,i hope to get your agreement.

  21. Hello,this code is very useful to me , so can i use this code in my website ,i hope to get your agreement.

  22. Please help me with database

  23. Sorry but can u give a database phpmyadmin please for this tutorial ?

  24. Bro can you add the database creation code here because really confused about giving primary and secondary keys to tables and because of that the cart.php shows some SQL Joins are not working creating issues.

    1. it's very easy just read the code you can build your database

  25. Plz Give me SQL file
