Friday, 29 November 2019

PHP MySql Based Online Exam System Project

PHP 8 Online Examination System

This tutorial will help you to make Online Examination System using PHP script with Mysql Database. So, Are looking for any educational project or build small system in PHP using Mysql database, then you have come on the right place. Because in this post, you can find the solution of your needs. Here we will build Online Examination application in PHP with Mysql database, which will help you to build your education final year project. And if you are beginner level of PHP programmer and are you learn how to any Online dynamic system in PHP then this post will help you.

What is Online Exam System?

In the world of internet, all task has been done through internet, so we have decide why Exam has not conducted through internet. For convert current exam system into digital exam system, we have build this small Online Exam system project. If this system has build in professional level then it will automate our existing examination system into digitize exam system. In this system it will required less labor force for execute system and it will be more accurate and less time consuming and at the same time we can conduct more person exam at the same time and it will publish result in a very short time. Below you can find benefits of Online Examination System. If this system has been implemented then examination will not limited in to four wall of class room, but student can part into exam from any place.

Benefits of Online Examination System

  1. Online Exam System will Save Organisation and Student Money.
  2. Online Exam System will Securely Store Exam Question Papar and it will directly visible to Student who has take part in Exam.
  3. Online Exam System will Save the Cost of Paper, because Exam will be conduct online.
  4. Online Exam System will reduce the cost of logestic for deliver question paper on examination center.
  5. Online Exam System will save the time of both Institution who has conduct examination and student who has take part in Exam.
  6. Online Exam System will provide Remote Supervision by using security feature of this system.
  7. Online Exam System will reduce the time of publish exam result with Ranking, because in single click result will be generated.
  8. Online Exam System will give us history of old examination in a single click.
  9. Online Exam System has provide all student information in single plateform.
  10. Online Exam System has provide facility to use to take part by using any electronic device in which internet access facility available.

New Feature in Updated Online Examination System

Admin Side

  1. New and Classic User Interface at both Admin and Student Side
  2. In Updated Version Admin can add, edit Classes Details, so Single Exam conducted for whole class student.
  3. Admin can New Subject details and also edit existing Subject Details also. So in this version Subject wise Online Exam will be conducted.
  4. Admin can assign Subject to particular class, so Admin can set Classes wise Subject.
  5. Admin can Add new Subject details and also edit existing Student details. So in this updated version Student Account will be created by Admin only.
  6. Admin can Add or Assign Student into particular classes. So when exam of particular class has been created then that whole class student will take part in Online Examination.
  7. Admin can create New Online examination system for particular classes.
  8. Admin can define which Subject online examination is conducted and also define date and time of Online Examination of that subject.
  9. Admin can add subject wise question details also.
  10. Admin has rights to publish result of Online Examination, so after define result publish date and time, student can view their examination result in their account.
  11. Admin can view all student exam result in single PDF file.

Student Side

  1. Student can get their forget password details.
  2. Student can confirm their email address by click on email verification link.
  3. Student can view Online Examination time table after login into their account under this system.
  4. Student can view all subject time table like date and time of Online exam of particular subject.
  5. Student can take participate in online exam, once exam has been started. So once online exam has been started, then one button will appear on particular subject, which exam has been start. So student has to click on that button, and take part in online examination of particular subject.
  6. Once Online Exam result has been published, then student can view their Online exam result at their login area in PDF format.
  7. Student can view Online Exam of Single subject also in PDF format.

Features of Online Exam System

Admin Side

  1. Admin Can Create New Online Exam with Edit and Delete Feature
  2. Admin Can Add Question in Exam which has been define at the time of create exam
  3. Admin Can View All Exam Question with Edit and Delete Operation
  4. Admin Can view all user data who has register for online examination system
  5. Admin can view all user who has enroll for particular exam
  6. Admin can view individual user exam result on web page and in PDF format
  7. Admin can view combine result of exam with user rank on web page and in PDF format

User Side

  1. New User Registration for Online Examination with Confirmation Email Feature
  2. User can Login into System using Email ID and Password
  3. User can manage his or her profile details
  4. User can change his or her password
  5. User can view available examination list
  6. User can enroll into examination
  7. User can attend online examination at the define date and time
  8. User can view the history of exam which he or she had enroll
  9. User can view the exam result on Web page and in PDF format also.

Technology used in Online Exam System

Front end

  1. HTML 5 - For make HTML Web page
  2. jQuery - For easier to use Javascript on web page
  3. Ajax - For Perform Server operation at client side
  4. Bootstrap 4 - For make Responsive Online Exam System
  5. jQuery Datatable Plugin - For list data on web page in table format with different feature like searching sorting etc.
  6. Parsley.js - For Validate form data at client side
  7. Bootstrap Datetimepicker - User for Data and time field form data
  8. TimeCircles - For Display remaining exam time on web page

Back end

  1. PHP 5.6+ - For write system login
  2. Mysql - For store system data
  3. PHPMailer - For Send email after registration
  4. DomPdf - For generate exam result in PDf format

Database Structure of Online Exam System

Online Examination System has been build by using PHP script with Mysql database, jQuery, Ajax and Bootstrap 4 library.

Online Examination System in PHP Video Tutorial

Below you can find video tutorial of PHP Mysql Online Exam System which we have publish. So, If you have miss any tutorial, you can check here.

  1. Introduction - Online Examination System in PHP
  2. Check Unique Admin Email Address - Online Examination System in PHP
  3. Admin Registration - Online Examination System in PHP
  4. Verify Admin Email Address - Online Examination System in PHP
  5. Admin Login Form - Online Examination System in PHP
  6. List All Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  7. Schedule New Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  8. Edit Schedule Exam Details - Online Examination System in PHP
  9. Remove Schedule Exam Details - Online Examination System in PHP
  10. Make Question Form - Online Examination System in PHP
  11. Add Question in Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  12. Display All Question - Online Examination System in PHP
  13. Edit Question Details - Online Examination System in PHP
  14. Delete Question - Online Examination System in PHP
  15. Check User Unuique Email Address - Online Examination Syste in PHP
  16. User Registration - Online Examination System in PHP
  17. User Email Address Verification - Online Examination System in PHP
  18. User Login Page - Online Examination System in PHP
  19. User Profile - Online Examination System in PHP
  20. Change User Password - Online Examination System in PHP
  21. List Pending Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  22. Load Exam Details - Online Examination System in PHP
  23. Enroll Online Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  24. 1 - Introduction - Online Examination System in PHP
  25. List User Enroll Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  26. Load Register User Data at Admin Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  27. View User Detail in Pop up Modal at Admin Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  28. Load Question on Starting of Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  29. Make Previous & Next Button For Question - Online Examination System in PHP
  30. Make Question Number Navigation of Starting Exam - Online Examination System in PHP
  31. Make Timer for Running Examination - Online Examination System in PHP
  32. Submit Question Answer - Online Examination System in PHP
  33. Exam Result at User Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  34. Exam Result in PDF Format at User Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  35. Exam Enroll User List - Admin Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  36. Single User Exam Result - Admin Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  37. Generate Exam Result - Admin Side - Online Examination System in PHP
  38. Generate Exam Result in PDF Format - Online Examination System in PHP


  1. Please send the file to the database. There is a problem creating a database.

  2. subhanallah its amazing tutorial and its free. thank you for the lessons

  3. would you pls help to solve the problem. In the 3rd lesson - I can't complete. I have tuned 1. URL, 2. Database name, 3. port (xampp default port - 80), table name and structure given as shown in the tutorial. After click register button - success message comes up but data not inserted in the table! Please give me tips how can overcome.

  4. sir,email_verification is not working.what changes i have to make?

  5. sir,reply for the older post asap.

  6. Thank You Master! Your tutorial are so awesome ( sorry my english is bad ). Maybe you can give us database structuration for learnt more quick.

  7. hello sir thanks for your videos i loved your video .sir your videos are very helpful for me because my fyp is same but a little bit different if you check my proosal that will help me thanks in advance
    this my fyp proposal.

    Which real world Problem, shall be solved by this project?
    Since the traditional paper based Examination System has many drawbacks. Some drawbacks are listed below. • Time consuming • Checking Of papers and results may prone to errors • more man power is required for conducting exams• The chances of losing exams result is higher •Checking of result is time consuming To overcome the above shortcomings of paper based examination system, advanced information technology tools can be used to design and deploy as automated and SMART Examination system would use advance database and web tools to automate the whole system smart examination system. would produce random questionnaires for each Student in real-time . compile results on Spot and generate consolidated
    results for faculty and administration.

    SMART Examination System is a web based application used to conduct online examinations using Candidates SMART phone. The main goal of this online examination System is to effectively evaluate the student through an automated system that can reduce time consumption, errors manpower and produce results in real time, Smart system would be able to manage the examination support smooth conduction of exams, collect
    the answer, auto mark the Submissions, and produce the results. A time based random questionnaire is generated for each Student to eliminate the chances Of Cheating. Right after the exams the Student will receive a System generated message Of result on his/her mobile Objectives: TO reduce the hectic job Of assessing the answers given by the candidates. ii, to eliminate the paper work iii. To allow for automatic grading of papers.iv.To generate random question papers for each individual student. v. To eliminate the possibilities of
    cheating and evaluation To generate faster and efficient results.

    FYP . Mobile Apps FYP
    Android studio /Php Script Node.js . Angularjs

  8. From the 23rd numbering of tutorials mistaken (tutorial 23 has a link to tutorial 1).

  9. can i have the database? :( can't connect to the server without the database.. wrong email and password :(

  10. Hello! Thanks for the lesson it's the best lesson I've ever seen. But I've some questions. It was cool if you can explain to me some points or give me advice about where I can find information about it.

    I start create the database for the Online Examination System in PHP and I use the databse from your source code like sample. Now I've created the admin_table. It's clear. But in your admin_table there is indexes for admin_id I'm not strong at MYSQL but I want to boost my knowledges. So, can you explain to me what the indexes means and why to use it. Thanks

  11. There is no database in source code.

  12. helo sir in this project option answer not save in database
    undefine index user_ajax.php 626 and 636 please solve it

  13. data tables are not loading everytime this warning is pop up

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

  14. it doesn't open in my local machine as it asks for email verification plz help me to get me out of this

  15. hello
    excellent tuto, very clear and complete.
    Nevertheless, I have a problem:
    in http://quizzy.test/master/exam.php
    the list does not return any records, while the exam appears in bdd.
    when i click Exam i have issue:
    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    Can you please help me?
    thank you in advance

    Translated with (free version)

  16. there is no database in the downloaded source code and the app cant register or login even after creating database

  17. Sir,the project have some error gives me.Can you help me ?

  18. It's showing 500 err while running on Bluehost server.

  19. It's showing 500 err while uploading on Bluehost server

  20. Good day sir,
    I was trying to register as admin but the form remained stand still showing please wait.please help me.

  21. It gets stuck at validate screen while adding exam

    1. same, also when you click add 2 time sending to database. and its stuck at validate

  22. The code available for download is different from what you show on the demo video. Please update the correct code

  23. thank you verymuch, its a great work.

    please i want to know how can admin make or know their students... if someone admin make exam how can the student found it.... because there is a lot of admins will make exams.

    and its there any way to put timer in exam

    again thank you for this great job.

  24. Very Nice. How can I download source code and database?

  25. Hello madam,
    I am getting the following error on master/exam.php

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    also on the page when i click on Add button to add exam. The exam details form freezes on "validate..." there is no success message.

    1. in ajax_action.php there is a if statement
      if($_POST['page'] = 'question')
      which should be
      if($_POST['page'] == 'question')
      change it it will work

      = to ==

    2. thanks alot..I find this error solution from 1 week approx...and there u are..
      thank you very much......

    3. validate problem fixed
      --- find the in ajax_action.php same code repeat two time they add.
      --- delete the top one
      -- fix
      if($_POST['page'] == 'question')
      if($_POST['action'] == 'Add')
      $exam->data = array(
      ':online_exam_id' => $_POST['online_exam_id'],
      ':question_title' => $exam->clean_data($_POST['question_title']),
      ':answer_option' => $_POST['answer_option']

      $exam->query = "
      INSERT INTO question_table
      (online_exam_id, question_title, answer_option)
      VALUES (:online_exam_id, :question_title, :answer_option)

      $question_id = $exam->execute_question_with_last_id($exam->data);

      for($count = 1; $count <= 4; $count++)
      $exam->data = array(
      ':question_id' => $question_id,
      ':option_number' => $count,
      ':option_title' => $exam->clean_data($_POST['option_title_' . $count])

      $exam->query = "
      INSERT INTO option_table
      (question_id, option_number, option_title)
      VALUES (:question_id, :option_number, :option_title)


      $output = array(
      'success' => 'Question Added'

      echo json_encode($output);

    4. when i add exam details the 'add' button freez at 'validating...' help me to fix it.

  26. Hello madam,
    I have made the following changes in the ajax_action.php file in ajax_action.php there is a if statement ---> "if($_POST['page'] = 'question')" which should be " if($_POST['page'] == 'question') ".

    and after making the above changes i am getting the following error :

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see

  27. please provide me the documentation / power point presentation

  28. Sir, we didn't display exam list in admin side.. Datatable. Net/tn/1 error was coming

  29. hello why this error in add exam
    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see
    please help me

  30. not recevied verification mail

  31. Sir can u look your mail please?I was send a mail months ago.This source have a some fault,I need a help.

  32. This is system is not working properly. it's showing errors of datatable at admin side.

  33. hello sir
    i m getting an error while fetching records of exam table

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I receive following error in demo n your website then i downloaded and run on localhost but the error was same.
    please provide me solution to resolve the issue.

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

  36. hi super tutorial but I can't create the database yourself you can send it to me by email please? my email account is .. thank you

  37. hi super tutorial but I can't create the database yourself you can send it to me by email please? my gmail account is thank you

  38. The source code is broken... Please fix the code immediately

  39. very detailed explanation , precise explanation. thnk you very much for the source code

  40. The admin side not working giving invalid json response

  41. sir please i want database file for this project kindly help me after two week i have a viva so kindly i need it it .🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  42. this is very helpful project but there is some error like this
    DataTables warning: table id=online_exam_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

  43. Hello, and Thank You

    I can't run the project because this error appears.

    it will be possible to direct me on the right path

    Error --------------------------------

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

  44. Thanks for this great tutorial, its highly recommendable. But please I have a little challenge, everything is fine when I work on the code, but the thing is when writing the exam, the radio button for the answer always disappear whenever I go to either the next or previous question. Please help out.

  45. hello

    erro in : http://localhost/examination/master/exam.php

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    How to resolve this error ?

  46. The PDO driver somehow doesnt seem to work

  47. Hello, abt online examination system application am unable to verify the email, help pls am lost

  48. Sir the code contains issue "DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see" how to solve it !

  49. Sir the code is not working it has error "DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see" how to solve this... i get this error while accessing exam.php

  50. thank you soo much.........

  51. If I add questions. It not done the validate process...

  52. Thanks Sir, You're the Best Tutor i have ever seen. Bravo and more programming prowess to your Elbow.

  53. Hey,
    I am facing a few errors in your code. Please help me out. I need it urgently for my college project.

  54. This is a nice tutorial.
    I cant set exam on admin, localhost alert datatable. How to solve this sir?

  55. It has been displaying an error message that exam-id table invalid json respond

  56. how i get the varification mail in my local host

  57. how i get the varification mail in my local host

  58. Sir How can i debug datatable error, its showing invalid table id. For Exam table in admin side

  59. After installed local server one error occurred, that is invalid json error.. kindly suggest

  60. Help me, in my Admin side, I can't see registered users and the exam is not displaying, is showing error table_id = table_exam_online invalid json

  61. Hi there, I am getting an error message in page 'exam.php' as shown below,

    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    What should I do to solve?

  62. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see

  63. Thank U!
    May God give u long life
    All Works Perfectly.

    1. Hiii..can you provide me the sql of database design

  64. Please my code always give an error, cant you tell me why?

  65. Please try to respond to our comment. We appreciate your efforts but try to figure the errors and update for us to enjoy the fullest lessons.

  66. Please try to respond to our comment. We appreciate your efforts but try to figure the errors and update for us to enjoy the fullest lessons.

  67. Please try to respond to our comment. We appreciate your efforts but try to figure the errors and update for us to enjoy the fullest lessons.

  68. Im getting this error:
    DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see
    please help fix it. thank you

  69. Oppps I got error....please check it and fast fix it

  70. The add button to schedule an examination is displaying an error, "datatables warning: table Id = exam_data_table
    Invalid JASON response.

  71. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    also on the page when i click on Add button to add exam. The exam details form freezes on "validate..." there is no success message.
    Please can anyone help me out with this problem.

  72. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

  73. same problem invalid JSON in datatables

  74. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Invalid JSON response. For more information about this error, please see

    1. This one works out.
      in ajax_action.php there is a if statement
      if($_POST['page'] = 'question')
      which should be
      if($_POST['page'] == 'question')
      change it it will work

    2. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see how about this one sir?

    3. DataTables warning: table id=exam_data_table - Requested unknown parameter '10' for row 0, column 10. For more information about this error, please see

      Any solution plz?

    4. You have to add a statment which $sub_array[] = '';
      $sub_array[] = $status;
      $sub_array[] = '';
      $sub_array[] = $question_button;
      line 267

  75. I do not know why but the exam.php does not show the records (table online_exam_table). What's wrong?

  76. It doesn't run on localhost (xampp). Help me out. Mail me

  77. if i login it stucks please wait what i do please help me next week i have an project review

  78. sir,email_verification is not working.what changes i have to make?

  79. user add not working

  80. hi guy
    i run this project completely without bug
    cmt mail i will send it
    it take a lot of time for this tutorial :((


    2. Can you send me the project

    3. Can you send me the project please


    5. Can i get the project please


    7. Please share your email at this video comment box, then after you will received password and .sql file of this updated version of Online Examination System.



  81. Hello, thanks for the script, i have learnt alot from u, please when i downloaded the zip file, i got the old version of the online examination, please how can i get the updated version source code

    1. For download source code of updated version, you have to check online demo of this updated version, we have put source code download link at online demo of version of online exam system, so check it.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. where to get the source code?

    1. Updated Online Demo link - Once you have login into this system, you can find source code download link. So check it.

  84. Sir there is no updated version. I don't seen any where in this page. Sir what I can do

    1. Updated Online Demo link - Once you have login into this system, you can find source code download link. So check it.

  85. please send me unzip password

    1. Please share your email at this updated version of Online Examination System in PHP video comment box, then after you will received password and .sql file of this updated version of Online Examination System.

  86. Sir,
    Updated version not work in cpanel. when i input data, that is nkt saved in mysql database. Hopefully you will solve this problem. Thanks.

  87. I am getting Validate... while submitting the edit part of exam form on admin side.

  88. when I'm trying to add question in test but it's not working.

  89. ofcourse they wont give u the 100% working version, if u a programmer u can solve it urself

  90. Dear, is updated version source code available?

    1. You can download updated version of Online Examination Source code from this link. So check it and download latest source code of online examination system with new feature.

    2. Everything is working just fine. The only challenge is that when you login as Admin user(User) it prompts error. What are we suppose to do.

  91. Sir,can you please send me the password for the zip file
    my email is

  92. what is this result.php???

  93. Please provide zip code password and sql
    Thank you
    Email: -

  94. Please provide zip code password
    Thank you
    Email: -

  95. please send your updated online examination system my email is

  96. Master Webslesson
    greate work sir, But i was unable to create an exam @ Add Exam Subject Data
    Just loading... all day
    Sir pls do help

  97. In updated version there is no option of user/ admin registration on the login page hence I have added the student and user(admin) data manually in the database. But after doing so I am still unable to login as Admin or student. I am a bit confused as I am not getting any error message after entering the student/admin email and password. It just get stuck on that page.

    Is there anything else that I need to do to make this work?

  98. hello, I am trying to open the exam list file in the folder I downloaded, but the data is not listed somehow. I keep getting "json invalid" error. I have checked Ajax, how many times does it appear that there is no problem. I will be glad if you help.

  99. when i press login in it say please wait and dont direct to index page can u help me please?

  100. sir,email_verification is not working.what changes i have to make?

  101. Sir, 10Q for Ur tutorials and help.pls database is not working pls send the source code with the database.

  102. I need this project report with data flow diagram, can anyone provide me plzz

  103. Sir, send me username and user password.

  104. Thanks for all but I have a problem that:
    some participants (as I think) after they do the exam and after they arrive to the last question maybe again, they check their answer so the system register second entries for the same question so as a result
    I found after the exam some of them have (Marks) more than the question total number.
    for example, the question is 25 but the Marks are 37 (if all answer are correct, they will get 25 Mark (1 Mark for each question).
    There is a missing code as I think which does not allow the duplicate answer entry for the same question in this table
    Who has the solution?

  105. please give me student login gmail and password

  106. please sir send admin email and password how to get if any cost??? please

  107. can you pls give me the default user login and password
