Sunday, 10 October 2021

PHP Project on Real Time Chat Application using Vanilla JavaScript

This is a fully functional web based PHP & Vanilla JavaScript Chat Application project on Real Time Chat application which has been build with PHP script, MySQL Database, Vanilla JavaScript and Bootstrap 5 library. Under this PHP an Vanilla JavaScript Project, it has cover all essential functionality or features which you can use under your second year or final year student for their collage projects. This PHP Chat Application has many number of features like multiple user can chat with each other in real-time. This system is a Single page Chat application in which all operation like search user, accept chat request, real time chat with each other and profile setting. This all operation user can do on same page without going to other page without refresh of web page. By follow this tutorial, you can learn how to create Chat Web Application using PHP with MySQL and Vanilla JavaScript.

About Realtime Chat App using PHP & Vanilla JavaScript

This Chat Application in PHP and JavaScript, we have mainly focuses on how user can chat in real-time using Vanilla JavaScript. Because we have already published Chat application tutorial using jQuery but there are many viewers has requested us to published how to make chat application in PHP using JavaScript because for JavaScript can be run independently but for run jQuery we have to load jQuery library first. So many programmers are prefer Vanilla JavaScript for their web development project. So for here also we have use Vanilla JavaScript for build Real time chat application project. Under this Chat Application, we have use Vanilla JavaScript Fetch API for make real-time chat application.

PHP Project on Real Time Chat Application using Vanilla JavaScript

Feature of Chat Application

  • User Registration
  • User Login
  • User Setting Page
  • Search other User of this Chat System
  • Send Chat Request
  • Load Chat Request in Notification
  • Accept Chat Request
  • Realtime Chatting

Technology Used in Chat Application


  • PHP
  • MySQL Database


  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • JavaScript Fetch API
  • Bootstrap 5

How to Get Chat Application Source Code

  1. Below you can find Demo link, so click on that Chat application Demo Link.
  2. Once Chat Application Demo has been open first you have to register under this Chat Application.
  3. Once you have register under this PHP Chat Application Demo, then you will received email verification email, so you have to verify your email address.
  4. After Email verification, you will be redirect to index.html page and on that page you can fine chat application login area. So their you have to enter your login details.
  5. After Login in to Chat Application demo, now you will be login under this chat application and with setting button, you can find source code download link.
  6. Once you have click on Chat Application Source Code download link, then source code will download in you local computer.
  7. Once source code has been downloaded you will be redirect again this Chat Application post, and on this post you can find password link, so once you have click on that link you will be redirect to YouTube video, and under that video description, you can find password for source code file, because source code file is password protected. So this is complete process of how to get Chat Application Source Code.

How to Run Chat Application?

  1. After Source code file and password of Source Code file, then you have to unzip the project file under this directory of XAMPP.
  2. Under XAMPP directory you will find folder naming "htdocs"
  3. Under the "htdocs" directory, you have to unzip PHP Chat Application Source code.
  4. Next you have to open your browser like Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  5. Under Browser you have to go URL like "http://localhost/phpmyadmin".
  6. Under PHPMyAdmin you have to first create database and after create database, you have to create table for chat application. Under source code you can file chat.sql file for create required table for this chat system.
  7. After create table in database, you have to open [project_folder_name]/backend/Db.php file.
  8. Under this file, you have to define database name and base url of your chat application and save that file.
  9. Once you have setting all above these, now you have to go to url "http://localhost/[ PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME ]/"
  10. For check chat application, first you have to register under that system and then after you have to login under that system and check chat application.

So This is real time Chat Application in PHP with Vanilla JavaSCript project, which will helpful to both immediate level programmer and senior level programmer who want to work with PHP script and Vanilla JavaScript and want to build robust application with this technology. And at lastly, here we have share complete source code of PHP and Vanilla JavaScript Chat Application, so download it and learn something new from that source code and build another level Chat Application.