Source Code of Attendance Management System in PHP

If you are looking for complete source code of Student Attendance Management System in PHP, then you have come on right place. Below you can find Source code link of Webslesson tutorial on PHP Attendance Management System in Zip format. By click on the below link you can download zip file of Student Attendance Management System in PHP by using Ajax, Mysql, jQuery, DataTable plugin and Bootstrap 4. This source code you can use for your college project also. If you have looking for any PHP Mini for your education purpose, then this will help you to make project on attendance management system in PHP. Suppose you want to learn how make simple attendance system in PHP then this will help you, because here you can find complete source code of Attendance System in PHP. In this file you can find all library which we have use to make this attendance system. You have to just download this source code file, and make table in your database and lastly make database connection in this system, then this attendance system will be run. If you have any query of input, just let us know. So, best of luck.

If you get any difficulty in download source code file, then you can e-mail us at, we will reply on your email with attach updated source code file in zip folder.


  1. Thank you my dear brother for this awesome program and your wonderful channel, too. Dear brother There is a small note that the attendance is according to the subject or the curriculum of the teacher because the student may miss a lecture and comes another lecture to another teacher the same day

    1. hello sir/madam...can you send the source code plss...i need it plsss....

  2. Thank you my dear brother for this awesome program and your wonderful channel, too. Dear brother There is a small note that the attendance is according to the subject or the curriculum of the teacher because the student may miss a lecture and comes another lecture to another teacher the same day

  3. Thank you my dear brother for this awesome program and your wonderful channel, too. Dear brother There is a small note that the attendance is according to the subject or the curriculum of the teacher because the student may miss a lecture and comes another lecture to another teacher the same day

  4. this is good. thank you. keep it up!!!

  5. You are My best teacher....Thanks a lot...

  6. best as always . keep it up .

  7. Well done. This is amazing.

  8. Edit feature for teacher modules does not work

    1. We have update source code, so if you have still face edit feature, please download the latest source code.

  9. Very detail explanation, it is so easy to understand....straight to the point. Thanks

  10. Overall edit function is not working

  11. I'm so grateful for this content.. but, when i tried the admin demo it stated that the 'admin' is wrong username..

  12. Will u send this attendance management demo to my whatapp Or mial

  13. not able to login in admin panel in demo
    kindly tell me how to do it.

  14. Bonjour, dejà merçi pour le tutoriel, c'est genial vraiment tres genail. Mais j'ai un probleme, lorsque je teste la demo admin en rentrant le mot de passe et le nom d'utilisateur, je ne me connecte pas.

  15. i have the problem with the source code that i downloaded

  16. Hello dear sir i want to source code this project

  17. hi sir can you provide computer lab management information system code

  18. could not download source code sir

  19. Thanks u so much sir u r great

  20. je ne comprend pas quand je met le nom dutilisateur et le mot de passe xa refuse de donner

  21. Plz update Student attendance management system report


  22. Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. in C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\admin\database_connection.php:5 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\admin\database_connection.php(5): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=loca...', 'root', '') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\header.php(5): include('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\index.php(5): include('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #3 {main} Next PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. in C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\admin\database_connection.php:5 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\admin\database_connection.php(5): PDO->_ in C:\xampp\htdocs\student-attendance-system-in-php-using-ajax\admin\database_connection.php on line

  23. unable to login as teacher and admin

  24. how to make database connection to the system?

  25. report not generated why help me sir

  26. the source code shows an error just after i enter username and password for admin
    Object not found!
    The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

    Error 404
    Apache/2.4.41 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1c PHP/7.4.4

  27. Hola, cuales son los datos de acceso admin ?

  28. Please you are best tutor ever. Please can you also create teacher attendance management system for us.
    Secondly how can I add different user on the Admin table

  29. Hey sir thanks so much for the work done am requesting for the source code of source-code-of-attendance-management thanks so much

  30. You're the Best Tutor i have ever seen. More grease to your elbow sir!

  31. Edit feature for grade modules does not work

    1. try declaring $output before the foreach statement in grade_action.php.
      According to this source code in line 142 try adding this line $output=array()

  32. What is the password for the admin.

  33. Hello, may i know what if i add some column (bt_addr) to the table attendance and tbl student.
    When i add attendance from teacher it does not insert into the new column (bt_addr) that i add under table attendance. It says validating. I wanna now how to resolve this if added some new column under the tbl_attendance.

  34. hai sir thank you its very useful and please send teacher login username and password sir please

  35. Hello,
    I tried to download but link seems broken. Can you please share the code?


  36. I seem to have an issue downloading, the link seems to be broken ?

    I appreciate if you can fix that ! You have wonderful projects for PHP learners.

  37. The pdf file is not loading showing the error pop up failed to load pdf document please update this

    1. I am also facing this problem
      what is the solution for this...???

  38. i am not able to find the source code

  39. i am not able to find the source code

  40. link download please master

  41. In attendance section it show only five students

  42. Brother I want document of this project
