Source of Codeigniter CRUD API

If you want to learn How to make CRUD API from scratch, then here you can find complete source code of Codeigniter CRUD API tutorial in .rar file. Follow following steps for how to use this source code file.

  • Download Source code rar file in your local computer and extract it.
  • Make database connection in your localhost.
  • Make tbl_sample table in your database by sql script which you can find in tutorial.
  • Define base_url() in application/config/config.php file.
  • Change all api url in application/controllers/Test_api.php as new base_url()

Now all are set you have to just hit base_url()/test_api in your browser, then you can test this source code in your localhost. Best of Luck.

If you get any difficulty in download source code file, then you can e-mail us at, we will reply on your email with attach updated source code file in zip folder.