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1. The tutorials, scripts of webslesson.info are free for usage to personal and non-commercial purpose.

2. Please don’t re-use our tutorials, scripts, downloaded ZIP file in any manner. Also please don’t link our tutorials or scripts ZIP file. If you want to link our tutorial page please contact with us.

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5. Don’t attempt to edit, insert, delete, otherwise interfere with webslesson.info website or any content published on webslesson.info website.


  1. please give drop down included php mysql jqueary edit add tutorial

  2. I cannot have access to download the files from your websites please help me to download bro

  3. how is it even possible when someone is learning from your tutorials and he can't use what he learned for official purposes? i mean then why m i learning then? plus as a developer i will save my time and copy the code from your tutorials and use it for my projects commercially to build tools or etc if i will not copy then i will write it in both cases the code will be used or is like once you have written hello world now you say nobody can use hello world! :S please clear the confusion

  4. I appreciate your initiative to teach us online. keep it up.

  5. i am click your demo but display hacked msg

  6. Can i use this script for my projects?.that projects is commercial.but i am not going to remix, convert, or make upon the material

  7. How to use where clause in x-editable fetch.php
